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My Career & Data Security Evolution

My first experience as a Code42 customer actually began when I started deploying Code42 as an intern at Maxim Integrated. At this point, we were really focused on protecting data from loss through data backup. Code42 taught me all about how to stand up internal servers and deployment application remotely. Really, working with Code42 was a godsend for me because it helped me advance in my career. It’s a big reason behind how I got to where I am.

Today, I am a system engineer at MACOM. In my role, I am responsible for deployment, integrating systems and protecting MACOM’s most valuable data as we continue our digital transformation. Unlike my past experience as a Code42 customer, MACOM’s story doesn’t begin with endpoint backup, it actually begins with data monitoring.

We knew that we needed to understand what was happening in regard to the data on our endpoints, which led us to evaluating Code42’s Next-Gen Data Loss Protection solution. Having had a positive experience with Code42 in a past life, I was eager to learn more about this innovative new solution. It quickly became a match made in heaven.

While my experience with Code42 spans IT and security centric use cases, the common denominator across them all is data. Data is the core of any company’s competitive advantage. If somebody walks out with a prototype or design file on a USB, well then there it goes. Every company needs to understand how their data is flowing. Especially as many organizations, like MACOM, undergo digital transformations. It’s important to understand how data is moving between cloud services and USB drives.

MACOM has been a Code42 Next-Gen DLP customer for a little less than a year now, and we have already made significant strides related to protecting our most valuable data. In fact, I will be co-hosting a session at Evolution19 on this topic with Code42 SE, Isaac O’Connell. For a deeper dive into MACOM’s story, join Isaac and I on Wednesday, May 1 at 10:30 am for our session, Using Next-Gen DLP to Protect Data from Inside Threats.

I hope to see many of you in Denver and hear about your own evolution with Code42. Pun intended!

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